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Healing from His hand

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The Mango Tree – 2/3

Continued from Part 1/3... After few days, I saw these fresh leaves spring out from what seemed to...

Our Father knows ..What we want

I was born and brought up in a purely orthodox Hindu Family. When I was 12 years old, my neighbor...

Miraculous ‘normal’ pregnancy after a long wait!!!

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Divine Deliverance from Alcohol Addiction

Divine Deliverance from Alcohol Addiction

My life was in a mess in 2018 because of the severe addition to alcohol and subsequently, problems in my marriage life. I used to have an excuse as an alcoholic that I missed my son as I was separated from my family in abroad, and I had to return to India in 2018. My addiction was so severe that I did not know what I was doing. I consumed so much alcohol in a day that I lost consciousness most of the time. This was a daily habit. My parents were affected and my sisters who stayed with their families were very concerned for my aged parents and myself.

Lots of prayers were raised within the family circles and also, I was admitted to rehabilitation centers 4 times and lakhs of rupees were spent on me by my brothers-in-law’s. However, I couldn’t come out of alcoholic addiction, and I became even more worse.  One of my brother-in-law and sister in the US have prayed with me frequently. And my sisters in Chennai prayed along with my parents often with tears in their eyes. I started to asking God earnestly, “Please help me, Lord as I am unable to leave this habit of drinking.”

One of my sisters who is in the US attended an All Night Prayer in her church in Feb 2020 and prayed with burden for me. The guest speaker and the evangelist who spoke on the all night prayer has prophetically told this: “One of you here tonight is praying with heavy burden for your family member in India and God is touching that person and giving deliverance.”  She gladly received the prophetic word in faith and shared it with her husband. Also, they continued their prayers with God’s promise.

During the COVID lockdown, very few wine shops were opened on specific days and if you need a bottle you need to travel to the outskirts of Chennai to buy one.   One day on the 27th of March 2020 I was going to the outskirts wine shop to stock on alcohol. When I was in the wine shop,

“I heard a voice in my ear “GO HOME”!  I first thought it was my imagination, but the voice repeated “GO HOME”!. The voice was not commanding, but the very soft voice gave me trembling fear. I left everything there and took my bike and asked GOD to help me go back home as I was suddenly so scared.”

I came home and went into the room and slept with fear. In the evening, my hands and legs were shaking because of withdrawal symptom (It is when your blood is without alcohol, it wants more). But I did not even have a feeling to have a drink. My dad was concerned that I had too much to drink and that I was shaking. However, I decided not to drink alcohol after I heard the voice and after a week my dad realized that I had quit drinking.

I told this as a witness to my sisters and brothers-in-law’s and praised God for what He done and for all their prayers were answered. To highlight, my brother-in-law who prayed with me, always trusted that with rehabilitation and medication for alcohol I will not be delivered of my drinking habit but only by the Grace of God.

I started to trust the Lord to restore back my life and whatever that I have lost. After a long gap of 10 + years, the Lord has provided an opportunity to work in a small IT company in a miraculous way. Again, I had lots of opportunities to drink but I always refused it by the grace of God, and I even did not have the slightest temptation to have one.

Post to this, one of my sisters in Chennai took me to the hospital to check on my heart, liver as I had severe alcoholic addition and by the amazing Grace of GOD, nothing is affected.

My life changed because of prayers from my parents, siblings and their families, workplace fellowship prayer group in Chennai and my sincere ask to the Lord to change my life; God heard my cry, and He delivered me. I praise God for the amazing things that He has done in my life according to this Bible Verse  :

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  Psalms 40:2

I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for the amazing things that He has done in my life and guiding me to live with new hope and confidence in Christ.

If you are going through any addiction in your life, if you can ask the Lord to help. He would deliver you from any kind of severe addiction.

This testimony is from a professional who works as a manager for IT MNC company in Chennai, India.

Christ is Alive ! In my life!!… I got collapsed again (2nd cardiac arrest) and remained unconscious for close to 4 hours….

Christ is Alive ! In my life!!… I got collapsed again (2nd cardiac arrest) and remained unconscious for close to 4 hours….

During the COVID season, I used to work for more than 10 to 12 hours per day, and it took a toll on my health. My blood pressure increased to 190/120 with no warnings or symptoms. No wonder why it’s sometime called “the silent killer”. I got treated for my high blood pressure spikes by a cardiologist. Since my home is situated in a remote place, I was at rest for a week at my sister’s home which is at the center of the city and the plan was to come back to my home after a week’s time. Interestingly, the day before we planned to leave my sister’s home was my wife’s birthday. It was on that day; I was struck with severe chest pain and discomfort. I was rushed to the nearby hospital by my brothers-in-law as I started developing heart attack symptoms.

I was kept under observation in ICU. As we know, an ECG can show evidence of a previous heart attack or one that’s currently happening, I was told that my 2nd ECG will happen in next 30 minutes after my initial ECG.  I was active when the 2nd ECG was taken and once it is done, I got collapsed (1st cardiac arrest), while the hospital was making me ready for further medical procedures, I realized that something bad happened to me and smelled death in the air.

When I was shifted in the wheelchair for angioplasty procedure from my bed to operation theatre and was taken through an elevator, I got collapsed again (2nd cardiac arrest) after 1st cardiac arrest,  and remained unconscious for close to 4 hours. Despite being a spiritually dead person inside already, the world recognized and applauded me as a spiritually alive person till time. On the contrary, my deeds and actions were imperfect before the Lord Almighty. Yes, my sins have separated me and God.

It was just this small prayer that I prayed to Jesus on my death bed. “Please extend my days on this Earth as you’ve all authority in Heaven and Earth. As you know, I have a daughter and I want to see & make her life settled; I have a family to take care and I’m not ready for this.”.

I called God from the valley of death, and I moaned just as the lonely dove laments its mate, my eyes grew weak, and my heart was oppressed with heavy sorrow. God did answer my humble prayer! Yes, I’m alive, alert, and enthusiastic! He redeemed and extended my life on this earth. He saved me from the pit of destruction, put all my sins behind my back and gave me a new life, a new beginning. I don’t have words to express my love and gratitude to my wife, kid, and family members. It was their fervent prayers too that made the huge difference.

As you read this, I would urge you not to wait like me until hit rock bottom and act at the last minute. Your life might be either filled with emptiness or imperfectness or un-holiness and you might also have been expecting for a miracle or waiting for a breakthrough. Asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness! The good Lord who answered my prayers is near you and He is all ears to your prayers. He loves us all with an everlasting love.

I confessed my sins and humbled before Lord Jesus, He was faithful, and He forgave my sins and cleansed from all my unrighteousness. Oh, what a joy to live a sin free life! Let us not be a dying stone but live like a living stone. Jesus can give us life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what our circumstances.

Jesus carried our sins, died on the cross and rose from dead on the 3rd day for you and me!

Yes, indeed He is alive. My Jesus is alive!!!

The Bible says, ( 1st Cor 2:9)

What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].

This Witnessing Gospel has been shared by Andrew, aged 36+ years old professional,  who is working for an IT MNC from Chennai, India.

Always there Is Hope for the Future ! After denial of my H1B extension in 2020, We reached our home country safely in the last flight from our city, just before COVID lockdown with a lot of questions…

Always there Is Hope for the Future ! After denial of my H1B extension in 2020, We reached our home country safely in the last flight from our city, just before COVID lockdown with a lot of questions…

I was born and raised in a small village close to Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. God Graciously provided me with a job and brought me to the USA in the year 2013. During that time, we had only a son with special needs, and we were struggling in India to start his schooling. God brought us to the USA through an Indian company with H1B Visa at the right time to start my son’s schooling and God sent His people like Angels to meet all our needs. We could see God’s favor in my personal life and professional life as well. God blessed us with a good church and fellowship. Days were flying and my H1B extension got approved twice and I completed 6 years in the USA. God blessed us with twin daughters in the year 2018.

As a routine in the H1B Process, we filed our extension at the end of the year 2019. We were very sure that God will help us to get approval for our extension as in the past. But in Feb 2020, our extension got denied and we had to leave the country in 2 weeks. First, we could not digest this. My friends asked why this has happened to me as we were praying for our friends, But God always insists that wherever God places me is the best place that I could be. So, we trusted in the Lord and started packing. We got our flight tickets for March 20th,2020 which was the last regular flight before the pandemic. Even in our travel, God sent His people along with us five of us leaving along with my special needs son and 18-month-old twin girls which would be extremely hard with all the COVID procedures in Mumbai, INDIA then domestic flight to Chennai, INDIA and my hometown.

After denial of my H1B extension in 2020, We reached India safely in the last flight from our city, just before COVID lockdown with a lot of questions, as a father of three kids and as an IT professional. Especially for my elder son who was getting therapies, all other services got stopped completely. But deep inside my heart, God gave me peace and strength to face new challenges ahead. We moved into our in-laws’ house and started working on the same project offshore. We completely surrendered our future to God. My only Prayer at that time was, “Jesus, please help me to go through the situation”. God strengthened me and built our Faith in that situation. God always reminded this verse …

                 “When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.” from Psalms 84:6.

During the time of pandemic, as every one of us went through an unusual path, God was shaping us to trust him 100% for our future. So, we humanly doubted ourselves whether we will go back to the USA as we did not know God’s plan at that time. So, we surrendered ourselves to God in Prayer. Since my current project could not process my H1B at that time, I moved to a different project in 2021. In the new project, they started processing my H1B Visa. But the opportunity I got required me to move to a different location in the US and my company re-set my salary as an entry-level developer who goes onsite for the very first time. As a typical IT professional, I requested my senior management to reconsider my salary. But nothing worked out at that time. So, we decided to take a step of faith to move on with the quoted salary. My H1B Visa got approved and stamping was done. My Trust at that time was that God who opens the door will take care of us.

We moved back to the USA in 2021; Inflation went high at that time that we could not even imagine. I did not have a plan to quit my current company. But God helped me to find favor from the eyes of men. As a result, God opened another door in the US and blessed me with a new job with a good salary. His ways are amazing, and we are now in the same location we used to live in before. Back to the same church and fellowship exactly 3 years later. My son was able to continue in the same special need school as he was before moving to India, receiving the best services. Currently, I am working as a Full-time Employee in one of the Top banks in the USA which is only through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today I want to assure you that there is Hope in Jesus for whatever situation you are in, both in your personal life and professional life.

Everybody has sinned and drifted away from God. Every one of us needs a savior to reconcile with GOD. Jesus gave His life for us, and He will take care of our future too.

Romans: 8:32(Bible)He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

If you never accepted Jesus Christ as your God, I encourage you to do the following.

  • Confess your sins and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Also, He rose again from the dead and lives inside of us through His Spirit when we accept Him as our personal God.
  • Declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Your life on earth is in the safe Hands of God who created you and He grants you eternal life too.

Have a Joyful Future with JESUS!

This is from an IT professional who is working  for a top-notch multinational bank in in New Jersey, USA.

The Mango Tree – 3/3

The Mango Tree – 3/3

Continued from Part 2/3

And after few days/weeks, when I looked at the branch, there were so many leaves and what was more interesting was, a cat was taking rest comfortably in the midst of the leaves. The cat is not very much visible, but it is right amidst the leaves in the above photo. What a transformation of the branch!!. From being in a dead situation, to grow and provide shelter also, it was a great transformation of what seemed to be a foregone conclusion of defeat, despair.

God spoke to me through this entire episode and built up my faith in particular, to stay in hope for my situation. It was tough scenarios all around, personally, professionally, but still by His grace, He enabled me to stay afloat and be focused on Him. It is all about Jesus, in any situation, any stage. My Lord and Saviour Jesus can bring about the change.

Build yourself inside out – that is very important. I have seen atleast 2 huge trees, may be 5 times the size of this tree, fall down in couple of cyclones and when I saw the tree trunk, it was hollow and no wonder that it fell. While it looked huge and strong on the outside, but it was not strong inside, which caused the fall.

Similarly, being focused on what God has called us to do is the key point of reviving our situations or bringing in hope. It is not that always God will help us achieve what we want to. Surrender to His will. For he knows what is best for us – Jeremiah 29:11

And finally,God blessed me with a splendid opening, all Glory to HIs name. And it all got concluded in the pandemic period, in a very senior level. All Glory, Honor and Praise be to God. It is always all about Him. Not that, always we will get what we want. Be’cos God knows what is best for us. And like the tree above, when we are blessed, we will overflow and bless others also. God has a very definitive purpose in making us wait. What I have learnt in my periods of waiting is, God wants us to teach a lesson (which will be of great help to us in life and for others also) and until the lesson is learnt, the waiting period doesnt end.

And how God will use this waiting period in our life, in the years to come is just unimaginable. I can keep talking about many parts of my life about this. But still when we come across a problem in our life, we tend to focus on that as the biggest of all of our life and lose focus on God and not build our faith. It’s time to build our faith in our time of waiting, disappointment, despair.

Don’t give up, but give it up to God’s Hands

Whenever I had a situation in which I could do nothing, absolutely nothing, I always left it for God to handle. But in situations where I “thought” I had a solution or a way, that is when I tried to act smart. But, if we commit everything to His hands, He can work out His plans in our lives, in every aspect and make it best. Amen.

The Mango Tree – 2/3

The Mango Tree – 2/3

Continued from Part 1/3

After few days, I saw these fresh leaves spring out from what seemed to be a dead branch. It was very surprising…if you look very closely, you can also see some ants on it. A tree is just not a single entity, but a huge system, which provides to many. Similarly, in our life also, we are called to provide…but in tough situations, we tend to forget that and focus only on our problems and the wait. We have a bigger God, who is bigger than all of our biggest problems!!.

But what God says is – Psalm 62:5Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him (NIV). Our hope is always in Him and only Him. So, in any situation, hope is only in Him. 

Don’t worry, God has got a plan and His plan will prevali. Amen. When I saw this (the new leaves), it was a revival for me and in faith, I wrote down the statement of what I was looking for, a change, in the midst of the pandemic. It was a very bold statement, but I wrote it down in prayer and committed to the Lord. Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass (NKJV). And I kept praying about it. With focus on God and looking up to Him alone. 

When you feel you have hit rock bottom in your life and nothing more exists in life, there is only 1 way, to come up and hence, look up to God and He will pull you up, place you on a rock and give a song to sing!!.

It is not that always God will do what we want, becos, He knows what is best for us and when to give the best, just commit your ways to Him. God always has the best for us. This was a time of building up my faith like the fresh leaves. Faith can be summarised like this – FAITHForgetting All I Trust in Him – yes, we need to forget our situation, forget the impossibilities and trust in Him.

Something was definitely working inside the tree, from an impossible, worn our situation to life springing up….

While I was getting built up in my faith, covid 2nd wave struck a very young ex-team member of mine passed away, just couldn’t believe it, still. And after few months, I lost my father, not to covid, but to long illness. It was shattering. Yes, the situations weren’t looking like springing up to life, but commiting my life to Him, I was waiting in faith. Yes, God was working in springing up new life, like in this tree branch.

To be Continued…..Part 3/3

Click here to read Part 1 of this series

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