Word:Â For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! 1 Corinthians 9:16
Thought: Sometimes we think that a missionary is one who leaves His job and everything and goes to a remote place (mission field) and shares the good news – Undoubtedly they are missionaries, but God has called each one us to be a missionary. Every believer is a missionary and every non believer is a mission field. As Jesus commands before he left, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”, we are sent by Him to the place we are in to preach the gospel. Sharing the good news is a work of every believer and they is no full time or part time in this – it is every time in every place, both in season and out of season. Do you think the Lord has placed you without a purpose in your workplace – do you think it is earn and send for missions only? We have a bigger task entrusted on us – we need to preach the gospel and be the gospel in the place where God has placed us and it is not something to boast of, it is a duty of every believer to do this. The people with you in your workplace can hear the good news only through you and you are the only bible which they see everyday, so have this in mind and God will give you the opportunity to share the good news.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for planting me as a missionary in my workplace, help me to preach your good news to the people near me and grant me the courage and the right opportunity to share. Amen.