Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will now restore the fortunes … and will have compassion …. Eze 39:25
Background: Israelites sinned and they went into captivity under Babylon, Lord promised deliverance through Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Lord promised to His people through Ezekiel many things about their future. The above verse confirms two acts from the Lord, restoring fortune and having compassion. When we are under the yoke [might be of sickness, fear, debts], His promise is the way out.
Application: Many times we keep looking for physical signs and we miss out on the power of His word. When we claim the promise from the Lord that He will surely restore, it has power to break every yoke, when we dwell on the confirmation of His compassion, it will result in peace and strength. Do we really believe and meditate on His promise, do we realize the security that comes from His compassion
Prayer: Father Lord, I believe in Your promise that you will restore the fortune and there is amazing power in receiving compassion from the Almighty God. Amen.