Verse:…in order to fulfill the word of the Lord spoken … the Lord moved the heart …. Ezra 1:1
Story: Through Jeremiah the Lord had given a promise to the people of Judah who were taken into captivity by Babylonian kingdom. Promise was that they will come back free after 70 years and Lord will help them to build the temple of God. Babylonian empire was overthrown by the Persians, and for the promise of God to be fulfilled, Lord moved and heart of King Cyrus and he made a proclamation to all his kingdom that people of Israel could go back and start building the temple, as he was appointed by God for that purpose, also he gave a word that from the royal treasury they will provide the support too.
Lesson: 70 years in a foreign land as slaves, no possibility of the promise to be fulfilled. But Lord who promised is faithful to fulfill even if that needs a miracle. During the waiting time let us be like Daniel who held on to the promise. What are the promises that we received? If that requires the most powerful kings to pass a rule, yes Lord will make it happen. As one who promised is powerful to perform what He promised. One night; is all what it takes to move from troubles to triumphs, when the Lord moves.
Prayer: Father Lord, we are fully persuaded that the Lord who promised is powerful enough to fulfill the promises He gave. While waiting we will trust the word. Amen.