Word: You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 2 Timothy 2: 3,4.
Thought: In our day to day lives we have the challenge of loosing few pleasures to live a life for Christ, but we are called to endure these as a soldier of Christ because the place we are in is only the battlefield and we need to win over the world and try to win the world for Him. Just as a soldier who does not entangle himself on his own pleasures, we are also called to live in a way which is pleasing in His sight. We are ambassadors of Christ in the place where He has placed us – our workplace is one of the important battlefield for us: we have different affairs of life which is pleasing to the eyes and ears. good to do, but are we abstaining ourselves – it might be a gossip to a marketing white lie to a eye pleasing work or a social drink or pleasure which the world calls as fashion. We, as a soldier of Christ are called to live a life which is pleasing to Him who has enlisted us a soldier and we should not adapt to the walks of the world which should be the alien nation for the soldier of Christ.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to walk in you and to live a life which is pleasing in thy sight. Help me not to the entangled by the works of the world, but lean on you and bear good fruit in you. Amen.