Word: Do not overwork to be rich; Because of your own understanding, cease! Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven. Proverbs 23: 4,5
Thought: The intentions of the deed are more important in the sight of the Lord than the deed. God has set us up in a particular way for us to be fruitful, but do we tend to labor in vain only to earn more? Most of us jump from one job to the other and seek greener pastures, but do we seek the will of God or go only based on the salary offered? If our eyes are gluing only on the attractive package we receive and work hard just to keep the job at hand, we are not being fruitful the way the Lord wants us to be. One day you will realize that the money earned is also perished and you are also lost. In whatever work we are placed, let us understand what God wants us to do and when you move within the organization or outside, seek the will of God and do not lean on your own understanding. When God allows you to overwork to bring glory to Him, go ahead with it, but not on your understanding, but with His wisdom that you might magnify His name. Let us learn to be content and next time you feel you overwork and not fruitful work, stop and see what you are working for – if it is just for the reason to earn, we are toiling for the perishing and let us ask the Lord to guide us through to things which are more permanent.
Prayer: Dear Lord, grant me the wisdom and understanding from above that I might not labor in vain, but enjoy the fruit of the labor and bear good fruits abiding in you. Amen.