Word: We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20.
Thought: Who is an ambassador? He is a representative of a state/country in another state/country and he does not speak of his own, but on behalf of his country and his whole duty and responsibility is to interpret and represent the parent country in the foreign land. There is also a brand ambassador who represents to promote a particular brand by means of using it and showing to people that the product is good to use. Without deviating much, let us ask to ourselves – are we ambassador’s of Christ who has placed us in the place (it might be your workplace or society at large), Are we representing the kingdom of God in the place where we are in? The place we are in is temporary and we are representatives of Christ (Kingdom of God) in the place where we in – let us remember that in everything that we do or say. Let us people around us, see us and glorify our Father who is in heaven – let them know we are Christians by the way of our walk and our talk – no because of us, but because of Him in us. Let us talk on behalf of Christ to the people whom we are in the midst of, with the mind of Christ in us, that they might see the Christ in us. Let us continue to have the authority of the Kingdom of God, being representatives of it in the earth and remain faithful in our duty to be a entrusted representative and fulfill the will of the parent country from which we are sent.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be a representative of the Kingdom of God in the place where you have placed me, that I might represent you and glorify your name. Amen.