L1-B Visa stamped – by God’s grace!


The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in; from this time forth, and even forevermore.

(Psalm 121:8)

I hope you know about L1-B visa.  It can be used, if your company is transferring you from one of their offices outside theUS to one inside. Typically, multinational corporations will indulge in this; all you need to do to qualify is, to have a year’s continuous employment at the same company and be either a company executive/upper level manager (they get the L1-A) or have specialized knowledge (the L1-B). The initial stay is 7 years (L1-A) or 5 years (L1-B) and is renewable in 3 year slots.

I was truly excited when my L1-B personal appearance date was announced.  The crucial day finally arrived for me to be present at the American Consulate. I was waiting my turn in the queue.  However, I came to know that, US visa stamping was being rejected that day for many applicants in my queue, during their personal interview.  The US visa interviewing official who was interviewing us was a seemingly elderly lady.  She was asking many questions to the applicants.  I was jittered on how I was going to answer all her questions!  However, I noticed that there was another counter next to hers; but that was closed.  Suddenly, that closed counter was opened and some of us were asked to form a queue before that counter.  Guess what! I was also asked to move to be serviced from that newly formed queue. When my turn came, I was not questioned except for my educational background and my visa got stamped! It was that easy!!  That which appeared gigantic like a mountain vanished like the dew!!!

When I look back and consider the whole incident; I recognize that it was purely God’s grace! Well, this is how I got a chance to travel abroad.

To add to this, I was praying for my close friend’s father, who was about to undergo Angioplastic Surgery, for the second time. I prayed that if God could heal and stop that second operation, I will give the money saved for God’s ministry. God did a miracle! The Doctors reported that the second operation was not necessary for that Uncle and that he could continue with medicine itself. The big question was how I could have raised such a huge amount of money, to give to the LORD’s ministry? Owing to my onsite opportunity, the Lord Jesus Christ made a way! I could donate that saved amount – by not going for the 2nd operation – to the LORD’s ministry.  I didn’t feel it a great burden.  Praise be to the Lord!

This testimony is from a Software Professional working with a IT firm in Chennai.

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