The LORD will make you the head and not the tail. (Deut. 28:13)
Praise the Lord for His ways! I am really excited and happy today to share with you, what the Lord has done in my life. It is the most joyous moment, I could experience in my life…as I have been awarded the “Associate of the Quarter” from my project. When I got the award, I was completely amazed, for the way God has been honoring His children.
Seriously, I was reminded of the love and faithfulness of my Heavenly Father, because even my other teammates were surprised to see this. I joined the project team during October 2005; and have been recognized and awarded as an achiever within a short scale of 10 months! It is just by His grace. All glory to Him! One thing I have been experiencing for the past couple of years is that, ‘the works we do for God will never go in vain’.
I wish to also thank all my loving friends; who have upheld me in their prayers. Thanks a billion!