Heard a moaning noise, when I got my sleep disturbed at 02:40AM on 18th June 2016. What I have seen in next minute made me to scream ‘Jesus!!! Help me out’…..
I have been deputed to the US for a long-term assignment as an IT – Portfolio manager with an offshore team in India. Usually, if I go to sleep late after finishing offshore teleconference meetings (that is the nature of working in onshore-offshore model with many IT companies), I cannot easily wake up for next 5-6 hours unless the alarm buzzes repeatedly at high pitch or my wife or son awakes me in person.
On 18th June 2016, after finishing my long day with offshore teleconference meetings till 01:30 AM, I hit my bed with a small prayer as I was completely tired. Suddenly, I heard a moaning noise at 02:40AM, the noise was very feeble but I woke up from my sleep, disturbed. This was totally unusual for me to wake up in the wee hours only after hour of sleep when the body is completely stripped off energy. When I woke up and rushed to see the source of the moaning noise. What I saw made me to scream ‘Jesus!!! Help me’. My wife was unconscious in the restroom with her head struck in a narrow space in a corner of the room and I could not see her face. I tried to pull her out carefully as her head was found twisted. Somehow, I pulled her head out from that narrow space and made her to lie down flat on the floor. By sprinkling water and giving her some to drink, I got her to a conscious state and then I made her to lie on the bed. Later I got to know that, 5-7 minutes back only this had happened and God woke me up in the wee hours by sending His angel.
First miracle was : The Lord who does not slumber, made me to wake up in the wee hour at the right time to hear the very feeble moaning noise and made me to attend critical medical situation
He will not allow your foot to be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Psalms 121:3 & 4
As a basic first aid, I checked her blood pressure, it was very low in the range of 60-70 though she was taking medication for high blood pressure. She was found very weak and pale. After 15-20 minutes of rest, I rushed to an emergency room in my locality. As there was no doctor except some paramedics/nurses, they asked me to take her to nearest bigger hospital with all the facilities. I got admitted her in ICU at 04:00AM and all the blood tests were done. She was getting better and her blood pressure fluctuation was monitored. After 45 min in the ICU, she wanted to use the restroom, I was helping her to walk towards the restroom and she was leaning on me. After 2 minutes of slow walk within 15 meters, she lost her consciousness the 2nd time in my own hand and collapsed to the ground. Bunch of nurses rushed to the spot and got her to the bed and connected her back to the monitors. What I had seen was really shocking as her blood pressure was very low in the range of 20-25.
The 2nd miracle was: my wife re-gained her blood pressure very fast from 20-25 to 60-70 in the next 20 minutes without any major medical complications.
After seeing the 2nd time recovery with blood pressure readings on the monitor, I realized the critical medical condition of my wife that she was undergoing during 1st time pass-out at home and she should have been carried only in ambulance. Thank God! It was His amazing strength that made her to come down from 1st floor to ground floor and walking up to car parking area by holding my hand.
Doctors could diagnose the problem very fast and had to undergo a treatment for with the best medication. Praise God! She was restored to normal blood pressure in the next 24 hours and was discharged from the ICU. Within the next 2 months, she got back to normal health condition. Amen! God is our healer and by His wounds we are healed!
Yes. Our God is our ever-present help at the time of troubles and He cares for us as our father and mother.
This is a testimony from an IT professional, who is working for a multi-national company and resides in Houston, USA.