I am Santhosh, working with CTS. I am sharing my testimony to glorify our God’s name. Only because of our God’s grace, I got a university rank for my MSc.(Software Engg) overall aggregate percentage and received a gold medal at the convocation. Glory be to God. I didn’t study properly in my 12th and I scored only 73% with an engineering cutoff 198, which was not sufficient to get a seat in a good engineering college. By that time I haven’t yet accepted Jesus. The Grace of God was with me and I got a seat for MSc.(Software Engg) at a reputed engineering college. In my 4th year, I got saved by Lord at a small fellowship inside our college hostel. Praise God!. At my studies, couple of times I got arrears and both the time I applied for revaluation and got cleared. Praise the Lord!. Even if have missed to clear 1 paper by revaluation on that time, I wouldn’t have received that gold medal.
I never thought that I will get a gold medal.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,)
In our university, only 9 people cleared MSc with distinction and all of them got university ranks. Lord made me one among those and made receive a gold medal. Glory be to God.
I remember the way I entered my college. I entered without hope and a shame of not getting a engineering seat. But our Lord called me there and saved me and lifted me up to leave the college with distinction, university rank, gold medal and a great job now. All Glory be to our Lord. It’s not because of my work, only because of our God’s grace. HE raises us to heights which we can’t even imagine in our life. Amen. Praise God.
He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, [and] lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set [them] among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth [are] the LORD’S, and he hath set the world upon them
Above all, our Lord is using me to do His ministries. After accepting Christ, I got a thirst in my mind that I should spread the gospel. I am sure that our Lord had kept it. It grew by God’s words. But I didn’t know how to do. But God made it true, by His wonderful guidance. Praise God. Glory be to God.