Dengue Disappeared!!!


It was the month of August in 2013 and we at CCF were very busy in organizing for the 7 Habits programme. Just few days before the programme, my daughter was down with fever. We took her to the doctor and the regular antibiotics didn’t have any effect at all and the fever was hitting century every day!!!.

Then the doctor decided to take a blood test and going through that process itself is a tough thing, to see your little one being sucked off blood in multiple containers intended for various tests!!. It was purely by God’s grace that we came through that. With so many things happening around, it was too much!!!

The blood test result came in on 12th Aug and the 7 Habits programme was on 15th Aug. The blood test came with positive for Dengue. The white blood cell count was almost half of the lowest limit and platelet count on the lower side, but above the lower limit. I didn’t know what to do!!!

On the one side, seeing your little one suffer with fever and with the results like this, it was over my head. Sometimes, that is the time when you fully surrender to the Lord, when you cannot think of any alternatives??…..isn’t it.

Even though, the Lord wants us to hand over things to Him, right up, but many times, we keep trying, thinking, planning for things which we cannot do nothing about. And here was a situation, in which I can do nothing!!!.

I took the blood test result to the doctor and he saw it and advised rest and thank God, he didn’t talk about admitting her!!!. I was just clueless, blank. With the programme on one side, and family on the other side…I knew that it was my Lord’s grace, which can take me through. I promptly dropped a mail to Bro. Anand Pillai for prayers, he called me immediately and we prayed together.

I also informed my friends for prayer and there were so many questions on the platelet count, which was over my head and was just focusing on the Lord and the programme. We were just praying proclaiming His promise in Isaiah 53:5.

By God’s abundant grace, my daughter recovered very quickly and we (myself, my wife and sister-in-law) were able to attend the 7 Habits programme on 15th Aug without any concern!!!!

Praise God for His healing hand on my daughter!!!!…amazing are His ways!!!

After few days, when I went to the doctor to get the medical certificate, he was amazed himself saying, ‘didn’t we admit her, I had to admit many kids with Dengue during that time’.

Thank and Praise God that we didn’t have to admit her and she was fine before the programme and the programme also went on well by God’s grace and His hand was seen in very step.

As per Psalm 37:5, whatever may be your situation today – be it health issues or issues at the workplace, relationship issues, financial issues…’Commit it to the Lord’s hands and also trust in Him and He shall bring it to pass‘. Amen.

All Glory to Him!!! Praise God!!!.

Rajiv R G, CCF.

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1 Comment

  1. Dear Bro. Rajiv. That was a wonderful encouraging testimony. Glad to see the Lord at work in you and through you. God bless. Abraham. Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia.


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