Day Jesus Risen – order of Events


  1. Christ rises from the dead very early Sunday morning. A violent earthquake and an angel rolling away the stone and sitting upon it accompany this event. The guards are traumatized because they have seen this angel, and they freeze (Matthew 28:2-4).
  2. Mary Magdalene and another Mary either walked to the tomb together or they had planned to meet there. When she (or they) arrives, the stone has been rolled away. (The guards are gone by now.) She returns to find Peter and John and tells them that someone has moved Jesus’ body (John 20:1-2Matthew 28:1).
  3. Another group of women was scheduled to meet the two Marys at the tomb. They have acquired spices to complete the burial process, which had been hurried. They are concerned about finding some men to help roll the stone away since it was large and needed to be rolled against gravity. To their surprise, these women see two angels, only one of whom speaks, telling them that Jesus has been raised. The women are scared to death and leave [seeing angels has this effect] (Mark 16:2-8Luke 24:1-8Matthew 28:5-8).
  4. Peter and John arrive after being summoned by Mary Magdalene, who apparently follows them there. John looks into the tomb, but Peter goes inside. All he finds are the burial clothes. They return, confused, but Mary Magdalene apparently stays at the tomb to grieve that someone has removed Jesus’ body (Luke 24:12John 20:3-10).
  5. Jesus makes His first appearance to Mary Magdalene, after Peter and John have left. At first, she supposes Him to be the gardener, but she is then overjoyed to realize that it is the Lord (John 20:11-17Mark 16:9).
  6. Jesus then appears to these other women who had left before Peter and John had arrived. These are the women who saw the angels. Jesus tells them to communicate that the disciples were to prepare to travel to Galilee (Matthew 28:9-10).
  7. The women, joined by Mary Magdalene, report their meeting with Jesus to the disciples, but they write it off as nonsense (Mark 16:10-11Luke 24:9-11John 20:18).
  8. The Roman guards report what they had witnessed to the chief priests. They were bribed to say that someone stole the body of Jesus while they were asleep. The priests promised the soldiers protection from military discipline through their clout (Matthew 28:11-15).
  9. Jesus appears to Peter. 1 Cor 15:5; Lk 24:34; cf. Mk 16:7
  10. Jesus appears to Cleopas and his friend (Luke 24: 13-22Mark 16:12-13). This is on the afternoon of that first Easter Sunday as these two disciples were traveling toward Emmaus.
  11. These two disciples make a report to the eleven apostles that evening (Mark 16:13Luke 24:33-35).
  12. He appeared to the ten apostles, (Mark 16:14Luke 24:36-43John 20:19-25) either while Cleopas and his friend were still there or afterward. The eleven apostles discussed this claim during the evening of that same Easter day. They had the doors locked, fearful that the Jews might plot against them and arrest them.

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