Daily Thought – Is God overlooking me?


Word: Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. Isaiah 40:28

Thought: Just as the people of Israel who had tasted the Lord, seen and heard of Him from heir forefathers and experienced in their lives, but questioning “My way is hidden from the Lord, And my just claim is passed over by my God”?, we also tend to ask God the same having experienced him and think God is overlooking me. As I looked into the meaning for overlooking, there are 2 contrasting meanings – ‘fail to notice’ and ‘have a view of from above’. Let us understand that the Lord is looking from above and He has the wholesome picture of what is coming to us from every side. When we wait on the Lord, He will renew our strength and help us fly like eagles and help us to run – if your prayer is not answered today, wait for His appointed time and for His will to happen. Never is His hand too short and He is never weary. We cannot fathom and search for His understanding – we should allow Him to use us the way He wants to than operate in the way we want and ask Him to guide in our own ways. He is always watching over us and will deliver us in the right time!!

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to wait on you, that you will renew my strength in the required time, that I shall mount up with wings like eagles and run. Amen.

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