Flashy Cars, MP3 Players, Plasma TVs, Camera Mobiles, Digital Cameras…the list goes on; today almost everything is Digital! There has been a major paradigm shift from analog to digital!! The good old tape recorder and the like are becoming a thing of the past.
It’s a fast life, we claim…email has replaced snail mail and everything is quick! The internet makes life easy, it’s a world out there….with everything available online!!
With such fast development and change, what else has changed? Where are we heading?
Even with all these changes and advances, you would agree with me, that how much ever easy life has become, it has also become proportionately tough.
- We find people not able to find time for actually ‘living’.
- We find people highly stressed out.
- We come across people finding it difficult to balance life and work.
My personal computer – a Pentium II – hardly had any anti-virus software some years back…but today along with the high speed P4’s, humongous hard disk sizes and voluminous RAMs; I also need to have updated anti-virus, anti-spam, firewall and OS software updates; to keep my system protected and kicking alive!! This is just an example of how we are caught in the grip of cyber crime and terrorism in spite of current technological advancements.
So, in spite of technological changes ‘for good’, we do still have problems to cope up with, in our daily life. Now, with all these pressures, has our outlook toward God changed?
- Has our God changed?
- Do we spend the same time with God?
- Are we online with Him?
The process of getting connected with Him….has not changed and will not change!!!
He is always ready to hear us and answer us and take us ahead. But do we really count on Him or do we count on technology?
Dear friend, let God be your first and TOP most priority in life and all the digital stuff will follow you!!!
‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you’ (Matthew 6:33)