Sweeter than Honey!


“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103

Good morning.

Last Sunday I sat next to an elderly woman in the Church. After the sermon started she waved her hand at me and said she would like me to mark the verses the preacher preached, in her Bible. Her Bible looked a bit old with stitches on its velvet cover. I took her Bible and pen to mark a verse as she told me. As soon as I finished marking, I returned it to her. Whenever the preacher mentioned a verse, she handed it back to me for help. To be honest, this was the first time I paid much attention to each and every single reference for all the Bible verses that were mentioned in the sermon. The reason why she needed my help was obvious. She has problem with her vision due to her age. But her thirst toward God’s Word and joy in His presence in spite of all the difficulties she faced surprised me. As I went through the pages of her Bible I could understand that she approaches the one sitting next to her every week for help, as I saw several types of marks made by people. She offered whatever she had with her (hey wait! I didn’t spy on her. It was an accident that I saw her while she offered.) and I guessed that she might have to walk while returning to her house.

I am sure God smiles when He thinks of her! What an awesome moment it would be for someone to have God smiling when He thinks of them!!!

Her seriousness toward His Word is something that cannot be compared with ours, who work in MNC’s, having multiple versions of Bible, in all possible sizes and designs, not only in our hand, but also in all the electronic devices we own, Textual, Audio, Video, what not, yet having no time to turn the pages to actually know what He speaks to us, thereby wasting so much of sacrifices the translators had made and hurting the Omnipotent God. A dusty Bible leads to dirty lives!

The author of Psalm 119 tells us that God’s Word is sweeter than honey to his mouth. Even today there are so many countries who shut their doors to God’s Word, yet, their people long to read. You and I have the most treasurable gift in our hands. Only when we realize that it is not a mortal book written by several authors, but a love letter from our loving Father, which has solutions to all the problems one can face in this cruel world, we would love to spend time reading and meditating it.

Diane Moody in her book, “Confessions of a prayer slacker”, shares with us that she visualizes that the Lord waits in her living room with a coffee pot and 2 mugs (one for Him and one for her) every morning. So she cannot sleep as soon as this scene comes to her mind. My sister-in-law always had an empty chair next to her whenever she studied so the Lord could mentor her. I have seen people counting numbers so they can fall into sleep, but my mother-in-law surprises me when she says she always recite the Bible verses if she doesn’t feel sleepy during her bed time.

Yes, there are so many people who adore God’s Word! Their soul is well! Now it is your turn. I am sure you too can new find ways just like them!

God bless you!

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