Question Jesus Asked [4] : Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?’


Read: He [Jesus] *said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?’ Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm. Matthew 8:26

Examine:  Jesus during his ministry he came to Capernaum, he went to the territory of Gadara by sea. Jesus got into a boat, and his disciples went with him. Suddenly a fierce storm hit the lake, and the boat was in danger of sinking. But Jesus was asleep. The disciples went to him and woke him up. “Save us, Lord!” they said. “We are about to die!”

“Why are you so frightened?” Jesus answered. “What little faith you have!” Then he got up and ordered the winds and the waves to stop, and there was a great calm.

Everyone was amazed. “What kind of man is this?” they said. “Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

Application: There was Jesus in the boat but still faced a fierce storm. More than everything it is not about the storm but it is if Jesus is there in the boat. We should reach out to Jesus for every situation, Jesus is powerful to calm the storm.

Jesus asked why they were afraid, So Jesus was expecting the disciples to be calm and confidence in the midst of the storm. How is that possible, if they knew who was in the boat. To trust in Jesus when we do not know what is going on.

Jesus asking what little faith they had, so truly the measure and expectation from our savior who is with us in the storm was not met by them. Once Jesus calmed the storm disciples responded, what kind of man is this, even winds and waves obey, him, they would have never understood this unless they faced the storm

Decision: Jesus is more than sufficient than the storm. Storm should not scare us. Oh Lord, help me to understand the depth of knowing. Lord, please anoint me and give me wisdom to see the way of the Lord in the midst of the storm.

Jesus is all what I need and Jesus is all what want in any situations.

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