Verse: “Then they set out, and the terror of God fell on the towns all around them so that no one pursued them”. Gen 35:5
Story: God asked Jacob to go up to Bethel, in the previous chapter we read Jacob was scared of neighboring people[Jacob becomes concerned for his family’s safety, fearing that the neighboring Canaanites and Perizzites would retaliate against them due to the attack on Shechem]. When he heard the command to go back before moving he did something “So Jacob said …Get rid of the foreign gods you have with you, and purify yourselves and change your clothes.” Gen 35:2 Next we read God put a terror on everyone around and that no one pursued Israel.
Lesson: We might be afraid now, but if we change and purify our ways. Obey the Lord; He will put a terror even on our enemies. There is power in the blameless walk. Let us not fight our cause, Lord will fight for us when we get rid of all things that take the place of God, anything we give more importance than God.
- Divine Protection: Even though Jacob feared reprisal for the actions of his sons, God intervenes by striking fear into the hearts of potential enemies, ensuring Jacob’s safe journey to Bethel.
- Fulfillment of God’s Promises: This moment reflects God’s faithfulness to Jacob, especially regarding the promises made in earlier chapters, such as protection and the blessing of land.
- Theological Implication: The verse emphasizes God’s sovereignty and ability to protect His chosen people when they come running back to the throne room of grace.
Prayer: Father Lord, let me not look at people, let me not live a life based on other people’s opinions about me. Let me focus be to serving you with all my heart, mind, and soul. Amen