I will exalt the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips – Ps 34:1 King David practiced what he wrote. In every situation, good or bad, he praised God. When he was in trouble, he praised God. When he won, he praised God. That is why God called him a man after his own heart.
Today, one of the standard reactions of Christians when things don’t work out is to conclude that God has forsaken them. When things go good, God is there but, when things do not go good, God is not there. The good news is that God is always there. The Bible says that God dwells in the praises of His people. We are made to praise God at times. Let me tell you that, this is much easier to preach than to practice.
Let me share about a person who was a model witness to me. He worked in my company and was retrenched from his job. He had a wife and two children and was suddenly jobless. When I expressed regret to him for losing his job, he replied cheerfully to me that, ‘God takes care of me and my family; job is just something to keep me busy’. Later, he got a job in an established company and resurrected his corporate career to a much higher level.
The one thing that has been constant in my life is the desire to be part of fellowships and to both listen and teach the word of God. When I was single, I lead a corporate fellowship at my church and today as a married man, I run a fellowship at my home. As we praise God as a family, God has seen to it that we have not lacked any good thing.
The quality of your lifestyle depends on the quality of your praise.
Make sure that you praise God, no matter what happens and God is sure to lift you up in due time.
Dear Lord Jesus, I praise You not because I want something from You but because I love You. I know that as I praise you, all things will work out for the greater good in my life. Praise You Jesus. Amen.
CCF acknowledges with Thanks to CIM (Christian Institute of Management) for allowing to republish this article by CCF core team member, which originally was published in Management Devotional 2014 of CIM.