God is for us


“If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

You have so many people around you, but still you feel you are all alone? You feel no one cares about you anymore? Your own family dejected you? You feel like you are of no use to anybody? You had faith on God, but not now, because you are constantly chewing the problem you face now and the way you keep thinking about it actually makes it so bigger day by day? Facing dreadful situations? You may have no way or a few ways to escape. But God has infinite ways for your escape.

You may think only weapons and arrows are needed for wars, but for God, winning a big battle is possible even with empty clay pots and trumpets. (Gideon in Judges 7) You may wonder how you are going to break down the huge walls you see in front of you. God can just use shouts to bring it down to the ground. (Joshua in Joshua 7) When you are scared of the mighty warriors and don’t have enough courage to face them in the battlefield, God can bring down hails from Heaven and destroy the enemy altogether. (Israelites in Joshua 10) You are frightened at giants like Goliath, but God can kill them with just a sling shot. (David in 1 Samuel 17) Today you are scared to be in the den with a hungry lion, but God can shut its mouth. (Daniel in Daniel 6) Maybe you are thrown into fire for standing for God, but God Himself can step into the fire with you and keep even your hair and robe from burning. (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3) You may have nothing to survive. But God can use 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes to feed 5000+ men and still can take the 12 baskets of leftovers. (Crowd in Luke 9) There are many other miracles which are recorded in the Bible.

God chooses lowly things and does wonders. So be glad about your weaknesses, because those are the areas where you are going to see His enormous strength!

Well, but there is something which you need to do. “Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for us.” In Don Moen’s song “He never sleeps” he says, “This is more than a promise; it’s a command.” Yes, it is a command. Do you realize how big your God is? Even your mountain like problems are very small for Him, yet, He doesn’t leave you abandoned so you can handle it all alone, because, He knows it is too big for you to handle it your way. So He comes to your aid to handle it His way. If you don’t believe this, just think about those times you thought your heart was going to collapse, but God sustained you through all that and kept you safe until now.

If God is on our side, it doesn’t matter who is on the other side! You don’t have to fight the battle. Just stay on His side and watch Him fighting for you!!

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