Daily Thought – Examine


Eph 5:6 “… God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.”

Examine Verse above is a strict warning for us, disobedience is very serious as we serve a Holy God. Paul is warns the Ephesians church on

Hint of Sin Eph 5:3 “There must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity or of greed because these are improper for God’s holy people” Paul is telling there should not be even a hint of sin, never even have a wrong sexual thoughts, we are surrounded with filth of sexual immorality stay away from deeds and from thoughts. Rat race to get rich does not get into it, stop comparing with others on material things, but be passionate to do love the Lord.

Careless Speech Eph 5:4,5 “Nor should be … foolish talk. but rather thanksgiving.. such a man is idolater” Be careful on what we speak, let it bring life to others, Dr Bill Bright said, let us gossip the gospel, let our mouth be full of praises. Never ever lie, but be a mouth piece of the Almighty.

Secret Sins Eph 5:12 “For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret” Secret sins brings dishonour to Almighty, we will lose our anointing if we continue in secret sins. Never entertain secret sins, it might not look like having an consequences now, but it is actually making you powerless in your spiritual realm, evil one will wait to destroy you when you are addicted to it. Cry out to God for help to overcome secret / wilful sins.

What to do? Not just staying away from sin, the true joy and power of life comes when we Eph 5:10 “Find out what pleases the Lord” and do it. Eph 5:15,17 “Be very careful.. how you live.. Understand what the Lord’s will is” To understand what the maker of universe thinks of you and fulfil His desires is awesome, it brings tremendous power and rejoice in your life, there will be a purpose and you are preparing for eternity too.

Prayer: Lord, help us to do only what pleases you. Amen

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