“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden” Matthew 5:14
We all know about a lighthouse and it’s intended purpose. It is a very crucial equipment for the sailors, much so in the earlier days and is still in use in the GPS days also. I visited a lighthouse recently and it was my first look at a lighthouse on the inside and so close. I was stunned to see the size of the bulb, which was almost the size of our normal cfl bulbs that we use at home.
So, how is that then, so much of light is generated from the bulb, so that the sailors can see it far away from the sea?. It is through an arrangement of reflectors and lenses!!!.
As we read in the verse above, we called to be the light of the world. How can we shine in this dark world, so that we can be beneficial to many?. It is by reflecting and focusing on Christ and not on us.
Today, if you are seeing at yourself and saying that you are so small (not physically) in stature in many aspects, and not able to be a shining light for this world – look up to Jesus, reflect Him, let Him be your lens to magnify you, then the result will be glorious!!!. You can reach many people, guide many people who are struggling in the deep seas, to the safe shores of the Lord.
Go ahead and be the light of the world, with Christ!!!.
Thanks for this inspiring article.Truly God is the source of our light and also acts as our magnifier to beam the flame light that burns in our heart to the world to save the hopeless and the lost.
He has called us to be the light of the world.He gives us HIS light and also enables that light to be beamed across through us to the vastness of the world, that the seeking and lost may find a way to the shores of Life and get connected to the author and giver of life, Jesus Christ.Praise you Lord and Praise be to your Name.May all find light for their lives, direction, guidance,happiness,peace and fulfillment in YOU.