At Work – Sun & Springs


Isaiah 49:10 – They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.

Is the workplace scorching you like the sun?

We all know that sun means heat. Many a times, it gets really hot at work (not meaning the temperature), about hot interactions with people, people turning up the heat on us in an unjustified manner.

Even though the sun is so far away, we can still feel the heat. In the same way, people can disrupt things in your personal life or work life, even if they are far away. So, what to do in such instances?. Look up to God and He will do 2 things – Guide you and Lead you to the springs of water, where it will be a continous replenishment from the heat (troubles, disruptions, politics, devious schemes) and without lack. It is not for us to find the springs, but for Him to Guide us and Lead us. And this will happen only if we look up to Him and not resort to ‘actions’ which we think, will protect us from the ‘heat’. And note that it is not about one spring, it is springs of water, which means the feed is plenty, to protect us.

Be nourished by the springs, to stay encouraged, refreshed and strong, even in the face of heat from adversity. Be blessed and be a blessing.

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