Equipping  you to succeed in the Workplace

Because God Said

And God said, “Let there be light,“ and there was light - Gen 1: 3 One of the most misused words of today is, “God Said”. Many preachers and teachers use this word to instill a feeling of awe or fear among their followers. Some have misused this very word to extreme...

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A Race Worth Running

A Race Worth Running

“…what must I do to inherit eternal life?” - Mk 10: 17 The world we live in today is on big mega race. Everyone is in a mad race to win the race of life. I call it a mad race because several people go mad in order to win the race of life. On one end, we have a person...

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The Price of Decisions

She  caught  him  by  the  cloak  and  said,  “Come  to  bed  with me!” - Gen 39:12 If someone had to take a tough decision, it was Joseph. As the incident mentioned in today’s Bible passage explains, Joseph took a decision to flee from doing evil rather than...

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Manna Every Day

The Israelites ate manna forty years, until they came to a land that was settled - Ex 16: 35. In the wilderness, the children of Israel experienced miracles every day for 40 years. Every single day of those 40 years or 14600 days, God rained manna and every man and...

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The Leadership Ladder

The Leadership Ladder

And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 2 Peter 1:5 The leadership ladder that we are called to climb is not a pyramid of positions and titles but it is the ladder of leadership qualities. In the world’s paradigm of...

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Ten Laws of Spiritual Progression

Introduction: God's desire for His Children is for them to prosper, grow and make progress and not just exist and survive. However we notice that while few progress most barely get through. Is our God partial to bless only few? As we browse through the Bible we see...

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