Question Answer Series[23]: What to do in the tough time ?


Question: What to do in the tough time

Answer: David was now in great trouble, because his men were all very bitter about losing their children, and they were threatening to stone him; but the Lord his God gave him courage.

Praise the Lord, today is July 4th I want to meditate on 1 Sam 30:19, the word of God “Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back.” This is an amazing result of a very tough situation.

Have you been cheated by someone? Are hurt by someone’s behavior? Are you in a desperate situation? David went through the same situation. He went to help the Philistines to fight a battle while he was running away from Saul, they did not trust him and they sent him away. When he came back to his camp; Amalekites had come and taken everything from the camp, their full families, and all goods. Seeing this, people with Him deserted David and even they talked of stoning David

In that situation, 1 Sam 30:6 “But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God”

1 Sam 30:8 David inquired of the Lord. Ask the Lord, what should I do.

David went. On the way David found an Egyptian servant who was left behind by Amalekites, David found the camp through him and defeats the enemies and get back everything.

The lessons, David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. When every hope is gone. get your strength from God by trusting him. Please pour out your pain to God and take His peace in turn. David inquired of the Lord. Ask the Lord, what should I do. Paul at Damascus asked What do you want me to do? Jehosaphat asked Oh Lord my eyes are on you, what should we do, we do not know what to do. Listen to God’s voice and obey. Take an action at the order of the Almighty. Stop sitting and crying, Start doing what the Lord has commanded.

Final thought: Be strengthened, inquire, and Act

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