Slow to Believe


“Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:14‬ ‭

The emphasis in Mark 16:9–14 is on the unbelief of the disciples, who were mourning and weeping instead of rejoicing at the good news of the resurrection of Jesus. Though Jesus predicted it several times and taught the disciples about how He would die and be raised again, they couldn’t believe because of the sorrow they experienced.

Jesus prepared them ahead for His death and resurrection. But they simply couldn’t imagine how Jesus’ death fit into God’s purpose and their own expectations. If we do not let go of our human way of viewing the world and see it through the words of Jesus and the scriptures, We cannot see the goodness of the Lord through the world events and the plan of God amidst the unexpected events.

We may have our own assumptions about life, God and our future -which could prevent us from seeing the work of God around us. In times of uncertainty, We need to rely on the scriptures through which the Lord has spoken to us. In times of doubt, there are signs of God’s love, protection, and deliverance around us we can point to. When we continue to believe His words, his signs to us, we ourselves will see the resurrected Saviour and fully embrace Him soon.

What are some of the assumptions you hold about life, God, or your future, that could be keeping you from seeing what Jesus might be up to in your life? Are your difficulties today keeping you from seeing the work of God around your life? The resurrection account shows us that the only way to embrace the risen Jesus is to let go of our normal ways of viewing the world around us. Only then can we open ourselves to the surprising power of God’s love for our world through us.

Blessed week ahead experiencing and showing the resurrected Saviour to the world!

PROFIT Singapore

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